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News image Embracing Lifelong Learning: a Journey of Determination and Triumph - Embracing Lifelong Learning Blog
Embracing Lifelong Learning: a Journey of Determination and Triumph
In the voyage through life, there's a pervasive notion that as time progresses, breaking away from our comfort zones to embark on new learning experiences becomes increasingly challenging. 
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Bringing History to Life
Black History Month helps us remember the significant contributions and struggles of the Black community throughout history.
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News image BCB_Secondary_Girls_ISL Blog
An Exciting New Era for BCB Sport

This year, our school, The British College of Brazil, is taking a giant leap forward in our commitment to promoting physical literacy and competitive sports for our students. That's right, we're diving headfirst into the world of the Interscholastic League (ISL) for international schools in São Paulo!

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Navigating the Educational Horizon
A University and Careers Counsellor's Take on Nord Anglia Education's "Insights"
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Nord Anglia Education launches INSIGHTS

Leading international schools provider Nord Anglia Education announced the launch of its groundbreaking new education magazine called INSIGHTS

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News image BCB_Brazil_March_2023-570 News
How To Welcome New Students
Discover 5 effective strategies for creating a warm and welcoming environment for new students
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News image BCB_Brazil_March_2023_244 Blog | Highlights
Navigating a New School Year: Proven Strategies for Welcoming Students!

Embarking on a new academic journey can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking, especially when starting at a new international school. Here at BCB, we understand the mix of emotions that new students might be experiencing, from excitement to anxiety. In this blog post, we'll explore 5 tips that can help create an environment that's welcoming, safe, and conducive to the growth and success we wish upon all our students.

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News image Artificial Intelligence and education. Our perspective. - My first blog Blog | Highlights
Artificial Intelligence and education. Our perspective.
ChatGPT has made AI feel, well, real. In the blink of an eye awkward AI generated writing has now become more sophisticated and life-like. It’s almost, but not quite, like the real thing. But, what do we think as educators?
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News image UNICEF Student Summit inspires and empowers student delegates | The British College of Brazil - UNICEF Student Summit 2023 Blog | Art, Culture & Literature | Global Education | unicef
UNICEF Student Summit inspires and empowers student delegates
With over one hundred student delegates from different Nord Anglia schools joining the 2023 NAE-UNICEF Summit, this year’s summit was the largest in history. 
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News image BCB_Brazil_March_2023-583 Blog
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education
PSHE is an important area of the BCB curriculum that helps children grow and develop as individuals and as members of families and communities. 
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News image BCB_Brazil_March_2023-583 Blog
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education
PSHE is an important area of the BCB curriculum that helps children grow and develop as individuals and as members of families and communities. 
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News image BCB_Brazil_March_2023_245 Blog
Life in Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo is a very active city where you can find many things to do and great places to go. Here's a useful guide on life in Sao Paulo.
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News image BCB_Brazil_March_2023_245 Blog
Life in Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo is a very active city where you can find many things to do and great places to go. Here's a useful guide on life in Sao Paulo.
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News image BCB_Brazil_March_2023-570 Blog
Moving to Sao Paulo
São Paulo is the main city for expats stationed in Brazil, but arriving in a new country with your children can be challenging, especially if you aren't used to the culture.
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News image BCB_Brazil_March_2023-570 Blog
Moving to Sao Paulo
São Paulo is the main city for expats stationed in Brazil, but arriving in a new country with your children can be challenging, especially if you aren't used to the culture.
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New institutional videos
Watch our newest institutional videos, featuring our facilities, students, academic team and more!
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News image 20220914_092759 Blog | PrimaryBlog | Primary Blog
How we support EAL children at BCB
Attending an English-speaking school when English is not your first language can be a daunting experience for children of any age. Making friends when joining a new school can already be tricky, but add to that the language barrier and it sometimes seems like mission impossible! Then there is the difficulty of having to follow instructions, take part in lessons, and sit tests and exams for most subjects, in English. A very scary thought for many new parents and children who move to a new country or a new school.
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News image IMG_3672 Blog | PrimaryBlog | Primary Blog
Outdoor Learning
Being outdoors is quite literally like a “breath of fresh air”. I am sure most of us can agree that there is nothing quite like being outdoors after been stuck inside for the day. Being outdoors is good for the heart, body and mind and is a vital aspect of a healthy and active lifestyle for children and adults. Outdoor learning benefits us all, it engages and connects. From the emotions we feel to the sensorial and physical experiences we have as we move through the space the outdoor provides.
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News image Pauls blog 1 Blog | PrimaryBlog | Primary Blog
We are delighted to be introducing the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) to our Primary school this academic year. We believe that this significant development will not only deliver a timely injection of new ideas and fresh impetus to the Primary curriculum, but will also support the continued development of our academic staff and boost attainment for our pupils.
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News image Picture1 Blog | PrimaryBlog | Primary Blog
ClassDojo parent workshop
Since joining our school in August 2021, I have seen so many things that BCB does exceptionally well. Our teaching and learning are the most developed I have seen, when compared to other international schools that I have visited. Our implementation of the International Primary Curriculum ensures that our approach to education is linked to relevant research for successful, meaningful outcomes. Our sense of community makes BCB such a special place to work every day. Our Maths and English curriculums have been developed to ensure all our students can make outstanding progress throughout their Primary years.
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