📢 Join us for our Open Day (26th March) | Application Fee Waiver (*)
Meet our exceptional school leaders, take a guided tour expertly led by our amazing students, and discover firsthand what makes us the premier British school in Hanoi.
Now that staff and students have started to work remotely from home, the support and dedication of our parental community has been exceptional. The children have been engaged, enthusiastic and resilient throughout, supporting each other wonderfully at all times.
Teachers have been incredibly impressed by the effort taken and progress made across Year 3 and 4 this week. It has been another wonderful week of home learning.
This week, teachers have continued to record lessons digitally, sending a variety of videos and work home to children to recreate the learning that would have been taking place in the classroom.
At BIS our teachers are being challenged this week and are re-designing learning to support our students at home. It is new for all of us, but as life-long learners, our teachers are sharing strategies and best practise to ensure our students are still receiving the best possible provision under the circumstances.
10 teams, 06 countries and over 230 children and coaches with a love of sport joined in the dynamic U11 Nord Anglia South East Asia Games 2019 hosted by BVIS HCMC over the weekend of 7th and 8th December 2019! Congrats to BIS Hanoi team for their efforts - you have made us very proud!
BIS Hanoi, together with other Nord Anglia Education schools across South East Asia will take part in a dynamic programme for young athletics at three-day U11 Nord Anglia South East Asia Games in Ho Chi Minh City from December 06 - 09.
This week, students in Years 1-6 took part in Primary House Maths competition. The atmosphere was electric as students raced around the auditorium to be the quickest to retrieve and answer problems!
International Week 2019 has been an incredible week of flags, traditional costumes, music and many cultural activities all around the world. The purpose of the week is for Primary students to focus on and dived into learning about cultures, traditions and much more!
This week was Primary’s turn to shine! Our musical talents have brought to the whole school various musical performances in the school foyer this Wednesday.
On Friday, we organised the Phase 2 Exhibition where parents could come and get a good idea of the work students in Year 3&4 have been doing this term. Additionally, this was an opportunity for Phase 2 children to develop and practice their English-speaking skills.
Applying for the elusive position to be the Primary School leaders of Hanoi, Saigon, Dalat and Hue - Year 6 articulated their understanding of this leadership role with confidence.
Year 2 had a very exciting morning on Thursday this week when they were surprised with a tea party! The tea party was to help them develop their understanding of the nouns and adjectives used in the story as well as bringing the story to life.
It was wonderful to see so many parents in attendance at our "Meet the Librarian & Meet the Teacher" session last Tuesday. Please don’t worry if you were unable to attend these sessions, we will share the information with you this week via email.