Our admissions team are now on holiday until Monday 3rd February to celebrate the Lunar New Year. We will respond to your enquiries and applications as soon as we return.
On Friday 9th June, our F1 in Schools team, Nam Phong Racing, who will be representing Vietnam in the Abu Dhabi World Finals this November, successfully hosted the second BIS Grand Prix event.
This year’s Junior Summer Concert was a wonderful event, with the theme ‘Music Makes the World Go Round’, and featuring music from different cultures around the world.
Year 12 Geographers, Biologists and Environmental Systems and Societies (ESS) students had the excellent opportunity to consolidate their classroom learning about coastal systems and ecology on their recent field trip to Con Dao.
BIS HCMC are visited by a true ‘global citizen’ who has an exhilarating story of determination and perseverance to share with our Year 5 and 6 students.
On Thursday 11th April a wonderful event happened that not only bought all of our parents together from each campus, but also raised money for an important long term BIS community partner.
Aroma, Evexia, Elysian Vietnam and Sepia were competing against eight other teams from BVIS, the European International School (EIS) and ABC International School and each was required to set up a stall to showcase their product.
This year’s FOBISIA Primary Music Festival was hosted by the British School Manila and featured the theme ‘Thriller in Manila’. It was a fantastic event for all involved. You can find out more about this amazing opportunity for our primary students by reading this article by Beth Bown, Primary Music Leader.