Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
05 September, 2018

Year 6 Bronze visit the Invisible Exhibition

Year 6 Bronze visit the Invisible Exhibition

On 3rd September Year 6 Bronze went on a trip to the Invisible Exhibition. This was our first trip out in Year 6.

Year 6 Bronze visit the Invisible Exhibition

On 3rd September Year 6 Bronze went on a trip to the Invisible Exhibition. This was our first trip out in Year 6.

Mrs Nagy from 5 Wave came along with us on the trip too. The trip was about looking into a blind person’s life. The teachers put us in groups of three and we were with Mrs Nagy. We were the first group to be in the exhibition. The room was completely dark. We were in a setting where we could see nothing at all. Throughout all the rooms there was several objects and we had to go around the room just feeling and figuring them out. One of the rooms actually had a street and a fruit market in it! There were many different baskets filled with different fruits. One of the fruits was a coconut and it felt quite strange.

The next room was a forest with a Hungarian cooking pot. We had to walk across a bridge and the sound effects made it feel like we were in a real forest! Another room was an apartment/studio with a working piano in it. We tried finding middle C but it was much harder than expected. We even discovered a sink, toilet, bookshelf, shower and washing machine! Lastly we were in a museum of famous statues and we managed to guess one.

We have only listed some of our favourite rooms. If you'd like to go to the Invisible Exhibition we would deeply recommend it.

Thank you

Dora and Rayne
Year 6 students