Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
07 December, 2018

Visit to Wesley János Nursery to support homeless children

Visit to Wesley János Nursery to support homeless children

The BISB community took on the nutty knitting challenge of knitting scarves for a local kindergarten and homeless shelter During Term 1. This task was undertaken by Primary and Secondary students, staff and parents. Students met weekly with teachers to learn how to knit. For some it was a real challenge and they had to persevere!

Visit to Wesley János Nursery to support homeless children The BISB community took on the nutty knitting challenge of knitting scarves for a local kindergarten and homeless shelter During Term 1. This task was undertaken by Primary and Secondary students, staff and parents. Students met weekly with teachers to learn how to knit. For some it was a real challenge and they had to persevere!

The BISB community took on the nutty knitting challenge of knitting scarves for a local kindergarten and homeless shelter During Term 1. This task was undertaken by Primary and Secondary students, staff and parents. Students met weekly with teachers to learn how to knit. For some it was a real challenge and they had to persevere!

However, it was wonderful to visit the Wesley Janos Kindergarten on Tuesday 4th December with 36 students and staff, passing on over 80 scarves and many hats! The BISB community also collected toys and craft items to help the school provide a wider variety of activities. Mikulas also arrived at the kindergarten and our BISB students also received a small gift for their hard work.

Thank you to everyone who got involved in this service project. It showed a wonderful collaborative spirit throughout our BISB community!

Lyndsey Marcu 
Year 4 Teacher