Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 January, 2022

Social Impact Fair

SISU Logos
Social Impact Fair Next Thursday and Friday, the Social Impact Student Union (SISU) will be holding a fair to showcase the social impact work that’s been happening across the Secondary school so far this year.

Next Thursday and Friday, the Social Impact Student Union (SISU) will be holding a fair to showcase the social impact work that’s been happening across the Secondary school so far this year.

The SISU are a union of student-led groups that have a social impact theme to their work and address various Sustainable Development Goals. As part of this, a group of IB students in connection with MUSE are running a donation drive to collect second-hand clothing for an ‘Eco Runway’ CAS Project that aims to raise awareness of the dangers of fast fashion. Details of the donation drive are in the image above; any contributions should be brought to the MUSE stall at the SISU Fair during break or lunchtime next Friday and would be gratefully received. 


The SISU Team