Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
31 January, 2023

Join BSG Little Learners 2023

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Come and join us every Tuesday, from 9am to 11am

Our new “Little Learners” playgroup is a regular and relaxed meeting for groups of young children who haven’t yet started school and their parents. During the playgroup time, children will do activities together, while their parent(s) supervise and socialize. Many of the activities will be led by our experienced Early Year teachers.

Playgroups are great for a child’s learning and development. Children can enjoy looking at books, listening to stories and music, try new creative activities, equipment, and toys. They also will learn how to interact with other children and with adults. 


Join BSG Little Learners 2023 - Join BSG Little Learners 


But playgroups are great for parents too. This will give moms or dads a chance to meet new people, make new friends, share tips, concerns, and experiences.


The 'Little Learners’ Playgroup will be running every Tuesday from 9-11 am starting February 14th. Registration is now open. A nominal registration fee of RMB 500 is all that is required to attend for the rest of this academic year. Please scan the QR code on the poster and be part of BSG Little Learners. 


You can also contact our Admissions at tel +86(0)20 8709 4788 ext. 2004  or email