Play-based learning is a standout feature of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, designed to nurture the holistic development of children during their golden early years.
The memorable and joyful EYFS journey has come to an end for our F3 students at BVIS, marking the beginning of a new chapter as they embark on their Primary journey at BVIS.
As part of our collaboration with MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), the staff at BVIS have designed an engaging and stimulating STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths) curriculum for BVIS students.
Your child is maturing rapidly. Active and mobile, h/she is now moving around on a tricycle and using other wheeled toys. These adept movers respond freely to music and love the rhythms of music, shaking and twisting their bodies. Better hand-eye co-ordination allows mastery of new tools like a toothbrush and scissors.
The time between 24 and 36 months is often known as the “terrible twos” but this is not a very helpful way of describing the emotional roller-coaster little ones are on. Being emotional is a perfectly natural part of growing up and it becomes more evident as your child is showing increased independence.
Your toddler’s sense of who they are is developing quickly. This can, however, bring with it displays of frustration, wanting to be more independent, and aware of themselves as different to other toddlers.
This term, all of our Primary children will participate in an educational visit. Indeed, Y2 children visited the Water Puppets show on Tuesday of this week as the entry point for their new Lien Ket topic and on Wednesday Y5 visited the Bitexco Tower for their new topic, “Rivers”.