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Hello, my name is Hung and I am a House Captain in Year Six. I thought I’d write to let you know about the changes the Student Council has been making this year. From Term Two the Student Council has been working on changing the food because they wanted to improve the quality and the healthiness of the snacks, served at break time and also the meals at lunchtime.
They have reduced the amount of sugar that is added to the food and also worked hard to find us new and healthy snacks. Recently, I have seen other children and teachers enjoying their meals. I have seen some people smiling because they have been able to try new things such as the apple and strawberry crumble and also the banana and raisin bread. We still also enjoy some traditional foods such as sticky rice, rice pancakes filled with mushrooms and minced pork, both of which are loved by many children in the school as they are favourites from when we were young.
In my opinion I am very happy with the choices of meals available as I get to eat traditional Vietnamese food which I love and I also get to try new and exciting western style food which is both healthy and tasty. When I’m in the dining room, I have heard people saying just how good the food is. Here are some quotes:
We also had some compliments from some students.
Ms Huong in the kitchen told me that she has really enjoyed working with the Student Council to make both snack and lunchtimes healthier and tastier for everyone. Ms Huong has been working with the children from the Student Council regularly and not only listening to their feedback but also making changes to the dishes we liked, but thought could be better. I now know so much more about food and the reasons why we must eat a balanced diet. I also like being like Gordon Ramsay!
Both schools’ Student Councils carried out a survey all about lunches and food choices. We were pleasantly surprised to find that the majority of children had made the change to the healthy lunch option, without being influenced by an adult.
The findings also indicated that most children were very happy with the choices available, although some also asked for the canteen to serve fried chicken and chips. We can’t keep everyone happy, all the time! We are always concerned that the children have enough for lunch and a majority said that they were satisfied with the amount of food they received as a portion.
Our survey also proved that the majority of respondents are very satisfied with the catering facility overall, commenting on the freshness, flavour and choice available.
We would love to hear more from you, our parents. Please discuss the changes at lunchtimes with your child and send us an email with your son/daughter’s thoughts. Spending so much time with the children, carrying out surveys and taste tests etc., it is clear to see that we have some very passionate young people in our school, who could develop into world famous chefs like Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver!