Set against the backdrop of the sunny and windy Mediterranean region, combining the cheerful music of ABBA with a standout cast of high school actors, the Mamma Mia high school musical has captured the attention of a diverse audience, including art enthusiasts within and beyond the BVIS community. With three sold-out performances this year, the musical has become a sensation among those who appreciate the arts.
From the first day of rehearsals in August to the final curtain call, the countless hours of hard work, dedication, and passion from all our students were evident in the quality and talent on display.
Our annual production is not just about the final product, but about the journey our students take to get there: learning new skills, making new friends, developing teamwork abilities and growing as individuals.
As part of Nord Anglia’s collaboration with the Juilliard performing arts school in New York, our students are able to work with a variety of industry professionals in order to develop their creative work.
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