Read more about the Baccalauréat français
The French Baccalaureate allows the development of essential values such as a complete intellectual training, the learning of several languages, the exercise of rigorous thinking, regular sports practice and of course access to universities.
The General French Baccalaureate is a program for the last two years of schooling (Première and Terminale classes). It can be chosen by students who have graduated from a Seconde class and have a good written and oral command of French.
Each student benefits, in all the fundamental disciplines, from a solid training that develops intellectual curiosity and critical thinking. Regardless of the specialties chosen, all students acquire a solid general culture and a great intellectual maturity.
The French Baccalaureate diploma is accepted by universities around the world, however restrictions may be imposed (choice of specialties or minimum grades for example).
Thanks to an agreement established with the Rectorat de l'Académie de Grenoble, within the framework of the GESBF (Groupement des Ecoles Suisses préparant au Baccalauréat Français,, of which Emmanuel Coigny, Principal of the Secondary School, is President, the students of the CDL have the status of school candidate and benefit from the marks of the continuous assessment.
A common education and specialties
All candidates study a wide range of subjects: French, two other languages, science, history-geography, philosophy, physical education and sports.
Candidates have a wide choice of specialties at the CDL: Mathematics /History-Geography, Geopolitics and Political Science /Languages, Literature and Foreign Cultures /Physics and Chemistry / Life and Earth Sciences / Economic and Social Sciences.
Students must choose three specialties, one of which will be decided and evaluated at the end of Première. The two others will be reinforced in Terminale.
Exams and continuous assessment
The Baccalaureate exams take place over two years. The final grades are made up of continuous assessment and final exams:
- Continuous assessment accounts for 40%: 30% are common exams and 10% are the annual average of the Première and Terminale reports.
- The final exams account for 60%: an early test of French (written and oral) in Première class and 4 exams in Terminale: 2 for the speciality, philosophy and the Grand Oral.