Choosing the right curriculum for your child can be quite a challenge. Here is a quick guide to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme to help you decide if it is the right choice for your child at 16-19 years old.
Collège du Léman students have once again achieved strong results in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Collège du Léman’s average score is 3.05 higher than the IB global average, widening the gap between ourselves and other IB schools around the world.
While education is our greatest lever for social change, the current system is increasingly falling short. Unacceptable gaps in academic attainment, poor social mobility, rising mental health issues and a failure to provide young people with the skills they need for life in the 21st century are just some of the consequences of an education system rooted in the needs of a bygone era.
Just before the Ski Week holiday, a group of 33 of our Grade 8/4ème and Grade 9/3ème students and four staff (Ms. Berthon, Ms. Tawfik, Mr. Gilbert and Mr. Ross) went to Tanzania for Nord Anglia's Global Campus Expedition.
The Juilliard School, a world leader in performing arts education, and Nord Anglia are pleased to announce that applications are open for Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard – our summer programme from 8 – 21 July 2017 for students aged 10 – 18 years old.
Across the world, there is a growing resistance to the current spread of globalisation and a return to separatism and protectionism. In politics, we see this trend through Brexit, a rise in nationalism in many countries in Europe, and the momentum that has propelled Donald Trump to become the new populist president of the USA.
Next summer, give your child the chance to explore their creative talents and work with renowned artists in one of the most beautiful cities in the world—Geneva, Switzerland. With opportunities for students of every level of experience, Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard 2017 will be a transformative experience for all.
Yoga has many mental and physical benefits, but did you know it can actually help your child’s learning? Here are some interesting facts on how yoga can benefit your child’s development—mentally, physically and intellectually.
Climbing is not only great exercise but helps students to develop resilience and problem solving skills. Find out how learning to climb can benefit your child’s studies.
Le vendredi 23 septembre 2016, dans le cadre du Module
d'Exploration Scientifique des classes de Seconde Baccalauréat, nous
avons visité l'Observatoire Astronomique de l'Université de Genève.
Situé à Sauverny depuis 1966, le site se compose d'une coupole, d'un
bâtiment principal et, depuis juin 2016, de l'Astrotech, dédié à la
technologie de pointe et à la recherche.
The world is changing at a fast pace, and so too should our education. In the 2016/17 John Catt’s Guide to International Schools, Nord Anglia Education CEO, Andrew Fitzmaurice, talks about the need to evolve education to suit the 21st century.
We would like to congratulate our IB Diploma students on their outstanding results this year.
CDL students have once again achieved strong results in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.
David Robinson, English and History teacher from Nord Anglia International School Hong Kong, talks about the Global Library and the benefits of gathering a worldwide community of book lovers.