The focus of STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) is to apply an interdisciplinary approach to solving problems and has been a highlight for many of our students here at the British International School HCMC during our Virtual School Experience.
End of Term 1 holidays are over! We’re back into the swing of things here at school. So shake off those cobwebs, dust off your boots, and let’s get things up and running!
As the BIS staff and students rocked out Jingle Bells to the children of Thien Phuoc Foster Home, a young boy could contain his excitement no longer and with purposeful glee took to the dance floor!
Through our embedded community service programme our students work with a range of community partners, one of which is the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation (CNCF) who we have worked closely with for the past 5 years.
Earlier this week, our Juilliard Curriculum Dance Specialist, Salla Saarikangas, made her first visit to BIS to help guide us in creating a bespoke Dance curriculum for our students.
Respect for one another lies at the heart of what we do at BIS. Respect can take many forms, but understanding is one of the keys that is central to all elements of this characteristic.
The weekly update from Ian Battersby, Headteacher of the Early Years and Infant Campus, highlighting some of the events that have taken place this week.
Classes have been digging deep into the past, diving into the world of water and receiving mysterious letters from Magic Toymakers. Our IPC lessons have been packed with investigations, problem solving and creativity!
This week we were privileged to have the renowned UK Singing Leader Lin Marsh come to BIS to run a series of choral singing workshops with our Junior Choir, parents and staff.