News full list

Our Students Shine: IB Results
BISS Puxi and the Global Campus Support the Global Goals
IB Diploma News
50 per cent of NAE students score A*, A grades in the I/GCSEs
Marlon Devonish’s Elite Performance A-Z: B for Belief
Marlon Devonish’s Elite Performance A-Z: C for Confidence
Marlon Devonish’s Elite Performance A-Z: D for Decision Making
Marlon Devonish’s Elite Performance A-Z: E for Energy
Marlon Devonish’s Elite Performance A-Z: F for FEAR
Marlon Devonish’s Elite Performance A-Z: G for Goals
Marlon Devonish’s Elite Performance A-Z
Marlon Devonish’s Elite Performance A-Z: H for Humour
Marlon Devonish’s Elite Performance A-Z: I for Interpretation
Marlon Devonish’s Elite Performance A-Z: J for Journey
Marlon Devonish Elite Performance A to Z: K for Knowledge Applied
BISS Puxi Temple Fair 2019
Marlon Devonish’s Elite Performance A-Z:A for Ambitious
More than a single answer
Huaxin Sensory Workshop
Our Sports Programme
Competitive Sports Opportunities
European Day of Languages: Russian!
NAE STEAM week @ MIT for Year 6 Students
University Fair 2020
Marlon Devonish Elite Performance A to Z: Lifelong Learning
Marlon Devonish Elite Performance A to Z: Motivation
Marlon Devonish Elite Performance A to Z. Never Give Up 加油!
Music Challenges: Week One
Music Challenges: Week Two
Our Virtual Choir
Native German Principal's Commendations
A little bit of magic
Celebrating ‘Prinsjesdag 2020’ at Shanghai Dutch School
European Day of Languages
Our EAL Students Thrive
Oh, the Places You'll Go - Seussical is Coming Soon!
Tanzania Dress-up Day fundraiser for the Kiwawa school
Oh, the Thinks you can think...when you think about Seuss!
Student Voice: Food preparation and the lunch menu
Bringing the community together with sport
Exploring our achievements
Reduce, reuse, recycle with the Secondary Eco Club
BISS Unplugged: Remarkable Recitals
Discovering a passion for medicine
Primary Sports Day
The Million Tree Project
The Art Exhibition
BISS Puxi Class of 2021 Achieve Outstanding IB Diploma Results
An English Summer and Improving Your Literacy
Mr Hitchings saves a life
Making a positive contribution to school life
Welcome to the IB Academy
Creative Writing Competition
Campus entry for parents 2021-2022
Lara attends Oxford University
A Day of Drama at NACIS
The Key Stage 3 Music Showcase
Tennis at The British International School Shanghai, Puxi Campus
Exploring the virtual world in the classroom
IBDP Information Session
Codefest with Oakridge International School in Bangalore
Succeeding on the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
Year 12 Enrichment Day
Celebrating the Chinese New Year
Nord Anglia Maths Challenge
Share a Dream
Behaviour for Learning
Chinese Language Literature
IB Subjects for Engineering, Law & More 
Introduction to Quality First Teaching QFT
Irene Garcia Moreno
Marlon Devonish
IGCSE in Physical Education
Shanghai Racquet Club
Sport, Exercise and Health Science
Stress, Rhythm and Intonation in Phonetics
Student Reflection about Helping the Community
The Importance of a Prize Giving Ceremony
‘We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.’
Accelerated Learning in the Classroom
ASDAN Business Simulation Competition
Behaviour & Social Graces
Commitment and Determination
The 3Rs and now the 4Cs – Educating Children for the 21st Century
Han Hong Love Charity Foundation Fundraising
Helping Children to Flourish
Intelligence without Ambition is a Bird Without Wings
International Week in the Primary School
Nursery Children Learn About Asking Questions…At The Fire Station
Principal's Commendations
Sports Report: Netball, Volleyball and Football
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”
The Difference between Ordinary and Extraordinary is Practice
Year 7 Complete The ‘Myself and Our School’ Project
The Ode for a Goose
Upcycle Challenge: 10 Ways to Reuse Your Old School Uniform!
Wishing You a Great Break
Internationalism in Year 5
A Musical Year
Drama and Performing Arts
IB Diploma Programme Results
Key Stage 4 Curriculum
Results Day 2022: How can I help my child feel less anxious?
What is personalised learning and how does it help my child at school?
Why start the learning early for academic success?
Helena's Story
Helping your child make friends at school
Wellbeing and global citizenship activities remain student favourites
It's all about the learning
What is academic excellence (in maths)?
Acquiring English as a Second Language
Creating a new generation of business leaders
Critical and reflective thinkers in our IB Academy
English as an Additional Language
How to succeed in science
Learning to Read
Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations
Music for all and all for Music
Shanghai Dutch School
BISS Puxi is Globally Connected through Global Campus
Developing water confidence in young students
EAL Parent Workshop
How do you young children learn best?
Student Leadership
Developing good reading skills
A high level of teaching and learning in Maths
The Junior MUN Conference
Black History Month and Celebrating Internationalism
Diwali Celebrations and the Festival of Light
Succeeding at Key Stage 3
Demystifying US Admissions
The Higher Education Guidance Team
University is a new beginning
Every moment is a fresh beginning
Year 11 Getting Exam Ready
Is BISS Puxi the way forward?
BISS Ambassadors in the Secondary School
Changfeng Ocean Park
A Parent Workshop on the White Rose Maths Scheme
A Parent Workshop on Talk for Writing
World Poetry Day
The Primary Playground Buddies
What a journey
Wellington MUN Conference
BISS Student Talks 2023
Modern Foreign Languages
Mandarin Speech Show
Getting Exam Ready
Biology Trip to the Learning DNA Centre
Pre-Nursery Sports Day
Let's talk about resilience
Saint George School in the Dominican Republic joins Nord Anglia Education’s global family of schools
Korean University Information Session
Party in the Park Map
Primary Native Mandarin Parent Workshop
RAG Week
Reflecting on our Film and Media Parent Workshop
Year 13 TOK Exhibition
Welcome to the IB Academy: Succeeding at the IBDP
Firefly Video Tutorial for Parents
Nanjing Trip
Secondary EAL Workshop
Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations
Year 7 Homework Project Celebrations
European Day of Languages
Experiencing Gustav Klimt
Opening Minds Opening Lives Trip to Suzhou
AmCham Shanghai Art & Culture Award Winner
Global Campus Step Challenge Update
Creative Futures - An Interview with Eugene Kam, BISS Puxi Alumnus
Key Stage 3 Humanities Workshop
Art Trip to M50 and Tianzifang
CISSA Cross Country Cross River Event
Our Secondary School Prefects
Reception Workshop | Benefits of Play-Based Learning
Swim Meet
Two Avenues schools join our Nord Anglia Education family
University Fair
Unleashing the Roar of the Year 3 Dino Day Showcase
World Food Day - A Flavourful Global Journey!
Year 3 Trip to Dinosaur World
Year 5 Greek Picnic
Celebrating Global Campus in the Primary School
Exploring the Rich Past of Shanghai
International Week in the Primary School
Key Stage 3 PSHE Information Evening
Nord Anglia Education launches INSIGHTS publication
Primary Observational Drawing at Panlong Tiandi
Secondary Open Day
Year 9 Mandarin Trip to The Shanghai Film Studio
Years 10-11 Geography Trip
A Spooktacular Business
BISS Lions Boys D2 Volleyball Season Ends
BISS Student Becomes Champion Equestrian
Girls D2 Volleyball Team Clinch 4th Place in the Region
Reading at BISS Puxi
SISAC Tennis Championship
5K Fun Run Success Ahead of the Shanghai Marathon
BISS Lions Sports Update
BISS to Welcome Juilliard Specialists
BISS Unplugged - Fantastic Firsts and Remarkable Recitals
Book Fair comes to BISS
Celebrating Mathematical Excellence
Launching Our New House Logos
Juilliard Dance Curriculum Specialist visits BISS Puxi
Juilliard Drama Curriculum Specialist visits BISS Puxi
Key Stage 3 Drumming Showcase
PAWS2 Events Update
How often do you think about the Romans?
BISS Student Achieves Highest IGCSE Maths Score In The World
Celebrating World Children's Day at BISS Puxi
Creative Futures - Meet Joceline Ma
Primary Football Festival in Suzhou
Computer Science and STEAM Term Round-Up
Exploring Business Beyond the Classroom: IKEA
Girls Football Update
Parent Satisfaction Survey 2023/24
Senior Choir's Christmas Concert
Sinterklaas visits BISS
Year 2 visit the Shanghai Legoland Discovery Centre
Years 8 & 9 Spelling Bee
Air House Pizza Party
CISSA Football Season Review
Early Years Christmas
Elf The Musical - A Secondary School Production
Embracing Festive Cheer
New! BISS Essential Guide to Shanghai
Maths Workshop for Parents
Nurturing Resilience and Emotional Wellbeing through Outdoor-Based Education
Snowland Art Visit from Gansu
Students Explore Orthopaedic Surgery
Winter Concert
Year 5 Greek Showcase

Bottling Business: Students Visit Coca-Cola
Exciting Opportunity to join an MIT Competition
IMG Academy Basketball Clinic at BISS Puxi
Nord Anglia and UNICEF Partnership Extended for Three More Years!
BISS Students' Impactful Week in Tanzania