This year will be the 80th edition of the Bol d'Or Mirabaud. The world's most important inland lake regatta.
Next on-campus Open House events: Pre-school & Primary 19th February 2025 l Middle & High School 20th February 2025
This year will be the 80th edition of the Bol d'Or Mirabaud. The world's most important inland lake regatta.
This year will be the 80th edition of the Bol d'Or Mirabaud. The world's most important inland lake regatta.
Collège du Léman will be participating with two teams in the 'Surprise category' for the 3rd consecutive time. Being one of the most challenging inland regatta competition in the world, our staff and students have always crossed the finish line!
With more than 567 sailing boats, 2500 sailors, wind, passion and the challenge, the Bol d’Or 2017 was a memorable edition.
We are at D-58 days before the 80th edition, see you there the 8th, 9th and 10th of June 2018 to support our students and staff!! #cdlsailingteam #BOM18 #collegeduleman #madeforadventure
Watch a video of the highlights of the 2017 edition below :-
Route de Sauverny 74
CH-1290 Versoix
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