On 31st March, the “Szabad Ötletek Színháza“ theatre visited our school to perform “Misi Mókus“, a Hungarian musical play. It is based on Tersánszky Józsi Jenő’s book of the same name.
The 15th March is a National Holiday in Hungary. The Year 8 Hungarian students created a video to show what we remember on this day. Péter Nagygyörgy, Ádám Vékasi and Olivér Dóczi talk about the what they did.
In order to support and further define our Code of Conduct that is already in place at BISB, we have adopted a behaviour management philosophy known as Restorative Approaches.
Our students are back to school form an amazing trip from Africa. They spent their last week with helping in Tanzania. Exploring Africa's life was a life-changing adventure for everyone who participated in the expedition.
Renovating a classroom, building a library and making new friends our students and teachers have had a fantastic experience.
The service work was not only an incredible adventure but a great opportunity to learn more about how people can contribute eachothers life.
Service work is an importnat part of our education students can grow personally, improve their self-confidence and social understanding and children are able to develope their skills of working together sharing tasks and roles.