Emily Liu

EAL Teacher, Librarian


Emily holds an MA TESOL degree from The University of Manchester and is also a holder of the Cambridge TKT certificate. Joining BSB in 2020, Emily has found it to be a truly remarkable institution where she can share her expertise with both students and colleagues alike.

With a teaching career spanning since 2012, Emily has primarily focused on teaching English to non-native speakers, emphasising language proficiency development and exam preparation. She takes immense pleasure in working closely with her students, nurturing their creativity and encouraging them to express themselves. Recognising the importance of tailored instruction, Emily personalises her teaching approach to meet the individual needs and interests of each student, thus ensuring they are well-prepared for their exams.

Furthermore, Emily has enthusiastically taken on the role of librarian at BSB, where she wholeheartedly supports the Battle of the Books initiative. Her passion for literature and dedication to fostering a love for reading among students make her an invaluable asset to the school community. As the librarian, she creates an engaging and inclusive library environment, fostering a sense of curiosity and exploration among students.

Emily's commitment to providing a supportive and enriching learning experience, coupled with her passion for language teaching and dedication to cultivating a love for reading, contribute to the vibrant educational environment at BSB.