Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
21 September, 2021

Virtual University Fair

Virtual University Fair

Here are the opportunities to learn about some of the best destinations for your university studies. Join the webinars to explore the application process, subject choices, cost of livings and the things that make these countries and universities stand out to help you decide on the best fit for your future studies. Please fill in the form HERE  by Friday 24th Sept. to let us know if you are interested. Registration links will be by the end of this week.

Virtual University Fair Here are the opportunities to learn about some of the best destinations for your university studies.

Here are the opportunities to learn about some of the best destinations for your university studies. Join the webinars to explore the application process, subject choices, cost of livings and the things that make these countries and universities stand out to help you decide on the best fit for your future studies. Please fill in the form HERE  by Friday 24th Sept. to let us know if you are interested. Registration links will be by the end of this week.

By Lynn Zhang, Examinations Officer & University Advisor

Six Colleges Admissions Events – Sept. 28th at 9pm China Time

6 of the top US liberal arts universities — Amherst, Bowdoin, Carleton, Pomona, Swarthmore, and Williams — are joining forces to offer you an opportunity to connect with their deans of admission to learn about the upcoming application season. 

EUC European Universities Virtual Fair 2021 - Sept. 28th / Sept. 29th 5pm to 8pm Central China Time

The European University Consortium consists of a group of eight European universities with programs fully taught in English. The following universities will be hosting the European Universities Virtual Fair 2021:

·  Bocconi University (Italy)

·  EHL (Switzerland)

·  IE University (Spain)

·  Jacobs University (Germany)

·  Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)

·  Modul University Vienna (Austria)

·  Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)

·  Brussels School of Governance (Belgium)

University of Toronto – Virtual Information Session - Friday Sept. 24th at 8-9:30pm/ Saturday Oct. 2nd at 10-11:30am 

This virtual University of Toronto Information Session is exclusively for the British-curriculum schools in China and it would be a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about the University of Toronto, get to know what they are offering at the university, the application process and the choices that are available to you in the fall. 

Chinese Hong Kong University (Shenzhen) Admissions Webinar – Sunday 26th Sep at 10am

CHUK-Shenzhen admissions talk for 2022 entry. Please note that applicants must have held a passport from a country or region other than Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.