Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
11 November, 2019

Nursery Fun Cooking and Dress up Days!

Nursery Fun Cooking and Dress up Days! - nursery-fun-cooking-and-dress-up-days
Nursery Fun Cooking and Dress up Days!

We have been very busy in Nursery these past few weeks.

We dressed up for Blue Day, then International Day, Orange and Yellow Day and our learning areas were setup with fun, engaging activities related to these themes

We celebrated Diwali and made beautiful diya lamps.

Halloween was a great opportunity to investigate pumpkins and see the different colours and textures inside the pumpkin. The children had a great time showing off their costumes during our Halloween parade.

Our afternoon cooking sessions are a great opportunity for the children to practise their fine motor skills, to observe change and to learn about healthy eating. Cooking sessions are usually connected to the learning of the week.

We made s-salad and t-tea and toast when we learned these sounds in Phonics. During blue week we made blueberry cakes. When we looked at the story of Hansel and Gretel in Talk 4 Writing the children had a go at making their own gingerbread houses and decorating them.

The week of 11th November is our Nursery Rhyme week and the children are invited to dress up as a character from their favourite nursery rhyme.

Monday 18th November is our Gold and Silver week.

The Nursery and Reception show will take place on Tuesday 3rd December at 10am. This will be followed by a Parents Learning Look from 10.45 until 11.30am.

Ms. Mihaela Chesaru

Head of Nursery

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