Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 October, 2022

Teddies exploring new Learning Space

Teddies exploring new Learning Space - Teddies exploring new Learning Space

As we enter into the second half of the term, it is amazing how now a room once filled with cries for “Mommy” is now full of smiles and excitement to learn and develop new friendships. Each day it is quite a wonder to see the confidence and poise that each of our Teddies has as they walk into the building ready to say “goodbye” to their parents and are self-motivated to continue in their educational journey.

Teddies exploring new Learning Space - Teddies exploring new Learning Space

Circle Time

Establishing a routine is one of the most important aspects for our Teddies and to do this we make sure to start each day with Circle Time. Circle Time is a chance for us as teacher and students to gather and join in singing our “Good Morning Song”, go over the days of the week, and to admire the weather outside as we describe it for that day. This time also allows for us to bring in our theme of the week. Over the last few weeks, we have had themes such as vehicles, fruits, vegetables, and now Autumn. Each theme allows for us as teachers to bring in vocabulary, songs, and stories to further learning and explore aspects of the world around them through literacy and play. 

Teddies exploring new Learning Space - Teddies exploring new Learning Space

Phonics and Maths

When it comes to phonic lessons, Teddies have always had so much fun. Students are exposed to many fun games and songs to recognize different sounds of animals and get them comfortable speaking. There is nothing better than singing songs and applying TPR (Total Physical Response) alongside the sounds /s/ and /a/. The children love it and come to life in their excitement. In Maths, students have been participating in activities that focus on the ability to count from 1-5, recognize 2D shapes and colour identification.

Teddies exploring new Learning Space - Teddies exploring new Learning Space

Explore and Experience

Free Flow is by far the greatest opportunity for students to explore the week’s theme and have impactful experiences that allows Teddies to explore on their own terms. In the Malleable and Sensory Bin areas, students are able to work on their fine motor skills as they play with colourful play dough, use tools for cutting, feel different textures and strengthen their abilities to squeeze, shape, and handle items. In the Creative Art zones, the children are able to creatively express themselves by not only painting but with items that relate to the theme of that week (e.g. leaves, wheels from cars, cut paper). By participating in these types of art activities students are able to not only express themselves but also begin to lay the foundation needed to prepare for writing acquisition.

Well done Teddies!

Alvin Lane

Teddies Teacher