Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
11 January, 2024

New Primary Learning Spaces

New Primary Learning Spaces - New Primary Learning Spaces

Our school makes ongoing investments in creating age-appropriate spaces, integrating world-class technology in the classroom and best-in-class teaching resources to stimulate each student’s creativity and lifelong love of learning.

Over the winter holidays, we have been working hard to enhance our students' learning experiences by creating additional inspiring spaces in Primary. We are committed to ensuring that our school stands out as a school of excellence.

Primary Reading Bridge

New Primary Learning Spaces - New Primary Learning Spaces

One of the major transformations is the redesign of the primary bridge and primary foyer. Our vision is for students to use this area for both pleasure reading and quiet bonding with friends at the start of the day, during break times, and as break-out spaces within lessons. Cultivating a love for reading in such unique settings will provide a rich and engaging learning experience.

Captivating Reading Nooks

We are excited to announce the introduction of three captivating, themed reading nooks around the school designed by our students. The Student Council, which represents all students, have brought up the request for more reading nooks to the school leaders who approved the request. The Student Council then had the task of designing three different themed spaces collaboratively. 

Ms. Abigail, Head of Primary said that she is very proud of the outcome. The students designed these wonderful spaces with the themes of Space, Rainforest and Under the Sea. These nooks provide a vibrant and cosy atmosphere, fostering a love for exploration and learning beyond the traditional classroom setting.

New Primary Learning Spaces - New Primary Learning Spaces


New Primary Learning Spaces - New Primary Learning Spaces


New Primary Learning Spaces - New Primary Learning Spaces

Under the Sea

EYFS Learning Centre

We have also begun renovating the entrance to the Early Years Foundation Stage Learning Centre. These renovations will also include seating areas to ensure that parents can wait comfortably when dropping off their students in any weather. Creating a welcoming atmosphere extends beyond the classroom to every aspect of our school.

New Primary Learning Spaces - New Primary Learning Spaces

Sports Dome New Flooring completed in January 2024.

New Primary Learning Spaces - New Primary Learning Spaces

At the start of this term, the positive response from students already using these spaces has been amazing to hear. We are confident that these changes will contribute to a more dynamic and engaging learning environment for our students.

This is just the beginning, and we want to assure you that we have much more in the pipeline. Our commitment to upholding the highest standards at BSB, Shunyi, remains unwavering, and we are dedicated to providing our students with an exceptional education.

We look forward to our students' continued success and growth in the coming year, and we appreciate your ongoing support.

A big thank you to our Head of School Facilities and her team for bringing our vision to life.