Mobile Phones and Electronic Devices Guidelines

Primary Years 3-6 students use the school’s iPads. Please click Primary 1:1 iPad Programme to see policies and details.

Secondary School Students

The school accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of any electronic equipment brought onto the school premises. If students choose to bring electronic devices with them to school, then they accept total responsibility for any loss or damage. We recommend that any valuable items are locked in the student locker when not in use in class.

Students are given permission to bring portable electronic devices onto the school site under the following conditions:

  1. Mobile phones, tablets, ipads etc must not be used in corridors or other public places.  Students are permitted to use portable electronic devices in the multipurpose room at breaktimes and at the tables on the playing field at breaktimes and lunchtimes.
  2. Ear phones and headphones must not be worn when walking around the school or during lessons, unless staff direct you to do so. They should be stored when entering the building. They may be used after 3:30 or at the designated times and locations.
  3. The filming of videos or making sound recordings of students and staff is strictly forbidden unless this is done in an educational situation with the express permission of a teacher.
  4. Students should abide by the rules set out in the laptop usage agreement that they sign when they collect their school laptop. The basic rules include:
    1. Not installing any software that is not approved by the school first
    2. Not downloading files unless approved by the school
    3. Not attempting to access inappropriate websites
    4. Not eating or drinking near the laptop
    5. Taking proper care of the laptop to avoid loss or damage

Any breach of the above rules will result in the following sanctions:

  1. First offence: Confiscation of the electronic device which will be delivered to the secondary office for safe keeping. The student may collect the device at the end of the day.
  2. Second offence: Confiscation of the electronic device which will be delivered to the secondary office for safe keeping. The student may collect the device at the end of the day. An email will be sent home to parents advising them of the issue.
  3. Third offence: Confiscation of the electronic device which will be delivered to the secondary office for safe keeping. The student’s parent will be informed via email and will be required to pick up the mobile phone at their convenience.
  4. Fourth Offence: Confiscation of the electronic device which will be delivered to the secondary office for safe keeping. The student’s parent will be informed via email and will be required to pick up the mobile phone at their convenience. Student and parent will be informed that a further offence will results in a device ban determined by the school.

In the event of a complaint or information coming to the attention of a member of staff regarding the communication of inappropriate, intimidating, untrue, hurtful or libelous information, the school will investigate thoroughly and may view the matter as a case of bullying, and deal with it in accordance with our anti-bullying policy .

The possible consequences of such an allegation are:

  1. Internal or external suspension from school.
  2. Permanent exclusion from the school.


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