
Ensuring Student Wellbeing Through Effective Infrastructure Management

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Ensuring Student Wellbeing Through Effective Infrastructure Management
In today's educational landscape, ensuring the safety and well-being of students should be a top priority for every school. A secure learning environment is not only essential for academic success but also for the peace of mind of parents and staff. To achieve this, schools must implement and maintain effective safety protocols, as well as ensure that critical infrastructure systems are functioning optimally.
Prioritizing Student Wellbeing Through Effective Infrastructure Management - Prioritizing Student Wellbeing Through Effective Infrastructure Management
The Power of Doing Nothing
Many of us live, work, and are educated in a culture of busyness. “It's really unhealthy,” says Dr Katie Hurley, a child and adolescent psychotherapist in the U.S. “We feel that any time that's available needs to be spent doing something ‘productive.’ And that's a dangerous concept in a way because we need to be able to recognize that reading a book is productive, and resting is productive, and playing with LEGOs by myself is productive. So, we have to be able to see the value in all kinds of downtime activities and resetting activities.”
The Power of Doing Nothing - The Power of Doing Nothing
Keep the Fun, Avoid the Slide: Summer Learning Tips for Kids

During the summer time, vacations, pools, and fun are certainly on children’s minds. However, it’s also important to incorporate learning into their day. Summer learning loss, also known as the "summer slide," refers to the decline in academic and social skills that can occur when children are not engaged in educational activities during the summer months. Dana Sheridan, LPC, Lower School Counselor at The Village School, sheds light on this issue and offers practical solutions for parents to keep their children's minds active during the long summer break.

Summer Learning Loss - Summer Learning Loss

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News image Prioritizing Student Wellbeing Through Effective Infrastructure Management - Prioritizing Student Wellbeing Through Effective Infrastructure Management Blog | Blog
Ensuring Student Wellbeing Through Effective Infrastructure Management
In today's educational landscape, ensuring the safety and well-being of students should be a top priority for every school. A secure learning environment is not only essential for academic success but also for the peace of mind of parents and staff. To achieve this, schools must implement and maintain effective safety protocols, as well as ensure that critical infrastructure systems are functioning optimally.
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News image STEAM Day Open Day - steam-and-innovation-open-house Blog | schoolwide | Elementary | Fine Arts | Early Childhood | High School | Middle School | School Wide
STEAM Day Open House
Discover how The Village School fosters a culture of academic excellence, cultivates advanced learning environments, and celebrates diversity by attending our open house events. Join us and learn how to grow your child's future at Village.
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News image The Power of Doing Nothing - The Power of Doing Nothing Blog | Blog
The Power of Doing Nothing
Many of us live, work, and are educated in a culture of busyness. “It's really unhealthy,” says Dr Katie Hurley, a child and adolescent psychotherapist in the U.S. “We feel that any time that's available needs to be spent doing something ‘productive.’ And that's a dangerous concept in a way because we need to be able to recognize that reading a book is productive, and resting is productive, and playing with LEGOs by myself is productive. So, we have to be able to see the value in all kinds of downtime activities and resetting activities.”
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News image Body Shaming - Body Shaming Blog | Blog | Village In The Press
Combating Body Shaming
Body shaming is a harmful form of bullying that targets individuals based on their physical appearance, causing significant psychological and emotional distress. Alarmingly, children as young as nine years old experience body shaming and may struggle with its effects throughout adolescence. Dana Sheridan, LPC, a school counselor at The Village School, shares her insights on this critical issue and offers strategies for effectively combating it, particularly among children.
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News image Summer Learning Loss - Summer Learning Loss Blog | Early Childhood | Elementary | Middle School | High School | Village In The Press | Blog
Keep the Fun, Avoid the Slide: Summer Learning Tips for Kids

During the summer time, vacations, pools, and fun are certainly on children’s minds. However, it’s also important to incorporate learning into their day. Summer learning loss, also known as the "summer slide," refers to the decline in academic and social skills that can occur when children are not engaged in educational activities during the summer months. Dana Sheridan, LPC, Lower School Counselor at The Village School, sheds light on this issue and offers practical solutions for parents to keep their children's minds active during the long summer break.

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News image From Student to Educator - From Student to Educator Blog | Elementary | Early Childhood | School Wide | Homepage Featured Article
From Student to Educator
Diana Struve's return to Village as an educator marks not just a professional milestone but a heartfelt homecoming to the institution that shaped her formative years. Diana shares her reflections on cherished memories, the evolution of her perspective, and the profound influence of her Village experience.
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News image IDEA Superstar - IDEA Superstar News | Elementary | featured | Homepage Featured Article
IDEA Superstar
When Aria K. started the 3rd grade, she faced a challenge she never expected. “When I moved up, I got separated from all my friends. We had been together for three years, and being apart from them was just a horrible feeling,” said Aria.
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News image Striking the Right Note of Joy and Purpose - Striking the Right Note of Joy and Purpose News | Middle School | featured | Homepage Featured Article | Village In The Press
Striking the Right Note of Joy and Purpose
Paul N. comes alive when he plays the piano. As he presses each key, his body moves with the music. He feels each note and lives for the audience to enjoy each melody, each composition. This year he performed at Carnegie Hall, showcasing his remarkable talent at just 12 years old.
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News image INSIGHTS - Healthy Smartphone Use - INSIGHTS - Healthy Smartphone Use Blog | School Wide | featured
From Resignation To Reclamation: A Simple, Four-Point Plan For Parents To Support Healthy Smartphone Use
When Vivek Murthy, the US Surgeon General, visits college campuses—which he does a lot—he talks to young people about loneliness, technology use, and their hopes for the future. What he’s seeing and hearing worries him.
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News image Prioritizing Mental Health - Prioritizing Mental Health Blog | Blog | High School | Village In The Press | School Wide | Homepage Featured Article | homepagefeaturedarticle
Prioritizing Mental Health: Support Systems & Programs
A robust approach to school counseling is essential for fostering a supportive and enriching educational environment. A comprehensive support system that prioritizes mental health and well-being alongside academic achievement sets a high standard for educational institutions aiming to provide a holistic educational experience.
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News image Insights Assessment Revolution - Insights Assessment Revolution Blog | Blog
In the US, an assessment revolution is coming
There’s a saying in education circles: ‘we treasure what we measure’. A new partnership in the US is testing the inverse: if we change what we measure can we change what we treasure?
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