Good Manners & Respect For Others

Student Behaviour

We place a high priority on students’ behaviour and set aside time to teach them about the importance of good manners and proper social conduct.

Students learn good behaviour as a life skill and we expect every member of the school community to behave in a considerate way and learn values appropriate to a courteous and caring society. We help our students grow in a safe and secure environment, and to become positive and responsible members of the global community.

Behaviour Policies

Our behaviour policies are designed to develop a supportive and caring community. We believe that positive behaviour is a life skill and that should be taught.

Addressing Members of Staff

We pride ourselves on providing friendly and nurturing environment, and we believe good relationships between staff and students to be essential. There are important professional boundaries, however, and a certain amount of formality is necessary to maintain appropriate relationships. Students should address members of staff using their title and name. We expect this courtesy to be extended to all of our staff, not just teachers.

Punctuality and Organisation

It is a basic expectation that students will arrive on time and with the required items to all lessons. This helps to ensure that all students make the maximum use of their learning time.

Behaviour Outside School

We expect students to maintain high standards outside school too. In particular we are concerned about any behaviour that will reflect badly on us as a school and community. We will treat any instance of poor behaviour that occurs whilst students are wearing school uniform or otherwise recognisable as members of The British School of Beijing, Shunyi as a school disciplinary issue, and we ask for the support of parents in this.

In general, if we become aware of any of our students behaving poorly or irresponsibly in the community we will inform parents, so that they have the information they need to help steer the right path with their children as they grow older.

BSB Policies:

Academic Integrity Policy

Admissions Policy

Assessment Policy 

Behaviour Guidelines

Code of Conduct

Compliants Procedure

Inclusion and Access Policy 2023-2024

Language Policy

School Bus Policy