Dunce hats, dictionaries and the cane...ISM turned back the clocks to 1881 and took the children on an immersive experience back to the Victorian era. A major change in school life, the children learned the Victorian way of schooling.
The goal of this year’s ‘Anti-Bullying Week’ campaign at The International School of Moscow was to teach students the positive and kind things that can be done every day to halt hurtful behaviour in its tracks.
The International School of Moscow held its first-ever Virtual Whole School Speech Day, beaming out across our campuses, Moscow and the world via ‘YouTube’.
With mellow instrumental tunes and melodic children's voices intertwining to create a beautiful symphony of joy, ISM’s Spring Concert is a glorious ode to the blossoming season.
Year Four's latest STEAM project, 'A Castle Under Siege', was a contextualised mix of their: Integrated Curriculum topic, 'Medieval Me'; Science topic, 'What's That Sound?' and Computing topic, 'I'm a Musician'.