Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
23 November, 2022

“The Weekly BSB” 2022-2023 Issue 2

“The Weekly BSB” 2022-2023 Issue 2 - The Weekly BSB 2022 2023 Issue 2

Check out the latest issue of “The Weekly BSB”! This cool e-newspaper published by our Young Journalist Co-Curricular Activities (CCA), which is made up of 24 students in Years 5 and 6. Students report on events and what's going on around school, conduct interviews and take their own pictures too.

In this issue

  1. CCA Spotlight – ‘Roots and Shoots’
  2. Exhibiting Year 5 and 6’s Digital Masterpieces!
  3. Year 2 - 7 Continents of the World
  4. Year 4 - Rescuing the Rainforests
  5. Year 5 - Space and ‘Mission to Mars’
1. CCA Spotlight – ‘Roots and Shoots’

“The Weekly BSB” 2022-2023 Issue 2 - The Weekly BSB 2022 2023 Issue 2

On 25th October, the Young Journalists were fortunate enough to interview both Mrs. Warman, our BSB Year 6 class teacher and head of the ‘Roots and Shoots Co-Curricular Activity (CCA)’ and Aditi, a ‘Roots and Shoots’ member, to find out more about it and see what they’ve been up to in Term 1. We came up with many questions that we were excited to find the answers to.

Mrs. Warman, BSB Year 6 class teacher and head of the ‘Roots and Shoots CCA’

1. Why is Roots and Shoots called ‘Roots and Shoots’? 

Many many years ago, Dr. Jane Goodall wanted all of the children in schools around the world to learn about the environment and our beautiful planet. This is why we thought it would be a great idea for BSB to have a ‘Roots and Shoots Club’.

2. How long have you been running the ‘Roots and Shoots CCA’ and why did you start it?

I have been running ‘Roots and Shoots’ for four years now. We started the CCA because we felt that BSB and its students should take the initiative to help the environment. It also helps them to develop leadership skills and how we can make our school more environmentally friendly.

“The Weekly BSB” 2022-2023 Issue 2 - The Weekly BSB 2022 2023 Issue 2

We also spoke to one ‘Roots and Shoots Club’ members, Aditi:

1. What have you been up to in ‘Roots and Shoots’ this year?

So far this year, we have continued to develop a garden next to our pirate ship playground, as last year we weren’t able to finish it!

2. What plants have you chosen to plant in the garden?

We are growing a cherry blossom tree, some grass and lavender plants.

3. What made you want to be part of the ‘Roots and Shoots CCA’?

 I chose to be in ‘Roots and Shoots’ because I like connecting to nature and growing gardens.

4. How did you find the money to spend on the garden?

We take part in different events like bake sales to raise money for the ‘Roots and Shoots CCA’. We have raised around 2,000RMB which we have used for items like seeds, soil, compost, gardening equipment and even chicken waste!


We loved learning a little more about one of the CCAs at our school. The Young Journalists are looking forward to seeing how the garden develops throughout the year!

By Alistair, Nico, Hyunjun and Sean


2. Exhibiting Year 5 and 6’s Digital Masterpieces!

“The Weekly BSB” 2022-2023 Issue 2 - The Weekly BSB 2022 2023 Issue 2

This term, some creative and inspiring children have been working hard to create some digital masterpieces in Ms Manning’s ‘Digital Art and Photography Co-Curricular Activity (CCA)’. On Tuesday 8th November, they even held an excellent and exciting exhibition to show off all their wonderful art! Curious to find out more about this CCA and the exhibition, some of the Young Journalists spoke to Ms Manning about her CCA and exciting event!

Firstly, we were interested to know what the CCA was all about! Ms Manning eagerly replied that children have looking at some different digital art apps, such as Procreate, Kaleidacam and Sketches. They’ve explored how cameras can take lots of different pictures at different perspectives. They also used filters, colours and digital tools, like pencils, paint brushes and spray cans to edit and beautify their art! Ms Manning also added that, “I was very excited and nervous about the children showing their artwork in the exhibition because it’s the first one done in the Primary school at BSB, and my digital artists were so excited to share what they’d done!”

“The Weekly BSB” 2022-2023 Issue 2 - The Weekly BSB 2022 2023 Issue 2

During the exhibition, we were able to see wonderful artwork as well as interview some of the students who the fantastic photograph belonged to! When speaking to Iker, we asked what he enjoyed the most about being in this CCA. He replied, “We had the chance to explore around the school and take pictures. I also really liked that we could take pictures of our favourite places around the school. I liked the library because it’s so quiet and peaceful.”

It was an extremely successful CCA and exhibition – Children very much enjoyed displaying their work and talking about it with both students and staff. Ms Manning is looking forward to running another ‘Digital Art and Photography CCA’ with Years 3 and 4 next season!

By Anni, Jenny, Michelle and Owam

Click here to read more about the exhibition.


3. Year 2 - Seven Continents of the World

“The Weekly BSB” 2022-2023 Issue 2 - The Weekly BSB 2022 2023 Issue 2

On Friday 21st October, 2KS held an assembly about the 7 continents as they wanted to share what they had learned in the past few weeks. The assembly was very special and entertaining because every kid got to talk and everyone played the role of a continent. They had clearly been working hard to make this assembly perfect and the effort they put into it was really a lot.

“The Weekly BSB” 2022-2023 Issue 2 - The Weekly BSB 2022 2023 Issue 2

In order to find out more, the Young Journalists interviewed Mr. Sear and his students.

  • When we asked the children what their favourite part of the assembly was and why, they agreed that they liked the songs the most because they were all about the world.
  • We also asked how difficult it was to rehearse and remember so many lines of speech, to which the children all replied that it was!
  • Finally, we asked Mr. Sear about his thoughts on his class’s assembly. He commented that, “I am extremely proud of my students. They were amazing. I was worried that they may have forgotten their lines, but they did a great job.”

We very much enjoyed watching the assembly as well as speaking to 2KS about how much they enjoyed creating the assembly. Well done to all of them!

By Aditi, Alec, Sophie and Tamea


4. Year 4 - Rescuing the Rainforests

“The Weekly BSB” 2022-2023 Issue 2 - The Weekly BSB 2022 2023 Issue 2

On Friday 21st October 2022 at BSB, The Young Journalists were lucky enough to watch 4AW’s class assembly about the rainforests as students have been learning all about them during this term. The children sang many hilarious songs and were dressed in interesting and fancy costumes. We also learned much more about the rainforests and why we should protect them.

“The Weekly BSB” 2022-2023 Issue 2 - The Weekly BSB 2022 2023 Issue 2

Eager to know more about the assembly and its production, we spoke to Ms Wettach and her students about their class assembly.

  • First and foremost, we wanted to know what exactly the message behind the assembly was. Ms Wettach replied. “The message was to save the rainforest and protect our environment.” Interestingly, Ms Wettach also informed us that she didn’t tell her students until the week before as she didn’t want them to worry about it!
  • When interviewing the students of 4AW, we asked how they felt about being on the stage and performing. One student replied, “I was excited, but it was a little nerve-wracking because there were so many people in the audience!”

After watching the assembly, it was clear how much effort was put into all the children’s performances and showed us how passionate they are about saving the rainforest!

By Ethan, Max, Yeony and Tian Cheng


5. Year 5 - Space and ‘Mission to Mars’

“The Weekly BSB” 2022-2023 Issue 2 - The Weekly BSB 2022 2023 Issue 2

On Friday 21st October, Year 5MM performed their class assembly about space. What the class learned about the universe was clearly shown and helped us to understand space a little more.

The Young Journalists were so amazed by the assembly and were fortunate enough to speak to 5MM and Ms Manning to find out more about how their assembly went.

  • When we asked Ms Manning why she and her class chose the Topic of space, she replied, “Space and ‘Mission to Mars’ are very exciting and interesting Topics that the children enjoy learning at the beginning of Year 5.”
  • We also asked why Ms Manning chose the selected song in her assembly, to which she told us that her class are very musical and like singing so why not have them sing a song on stage?
  • We were also fortunate to speak to Jenny and Justin, two of the students in 5MM. Both children expressed how much they loved the Topic which helped them to create a great assembly but when asked if they would like to go to Mars, Justin commented that it was way too dangerous so he wouldn’t!

“The Weekly BSB” 2022-2023 Issue 2 - The Weekly BSB 2022 2023 Issue 2

Perhaps children in Year 5 are more interested in learning about the planets than visiting them! The Young Journalists were very impressed with everyone’s efforts – Well done 5MM.

By Michelle, Johnny, Ethan and Tashvi


Read previous issues below!