With the reintroduction of Cross-Campus and external sport events and competitions at ISM the physical education department collaborated to bring the Festival of Sport to each campus.
Mr Brendan McLoughlin has just been appointed the new Deputy Head of Secondary (Academic). We had the opportunity to ask him a few questions to find out what his new role entails and what the future of UC Krylatskoe has in foresight.
ISM offers a wide selection of unique After School Activities. We are excited to resume our ‘Pro Clubs’ programme. Discover what the students were up to this Spring.
We are extremely proud to keep producing our broadcasting series - Roar Radio. This year we celebrate the Two Year anniversary! What has started out as a coffee discussion one morning between Mr James Langford and Mr Ian Storey, has been a hit with the students and the parents! Read all about our Roar Radio and how to tune in in our latest article.
Our Development Team worked hard during the winter break to build our wonderful campus ice rink. Now Years Two, Three and Four are participating in ice skating during their daily PE lessons.
Pavel and James, both ISM Alumni, kindly agreed to share their precious memories of ISM and give advice to our students about journeys to universities and beyond.
Dunce hats, dictionaries and the cane...ISM turned back the clocks to 1881 and took the children on an immersive experience back to the Victorian era. A major change in school life, the children learned the Victorian way of schooling.
The goal of this year’s ‘Anti-Bullying Week’ campaign at The International School of Moscow was to teach students the positive and kind things that can be done every day to halt hurtful behaviour in its tracks.